Squadron Features:
206THS as AMC's Tactical
Squadron of the Year 2018

The 206TH Tactical Helicopter Squadron bagged the first Air Mobility Command Squadron of the Year award CY-2018 for the Tactical Category. The Squadron Commander of 206THTactical Helicopter Squadron, MAJ REXZON F PASCO PAF received the award during the Air Mobility Command 1st Founding Anniversary held last June13, 2018 at Base Theater, Brigadier General Benito N Ebuen Air Base, Lapu-LapuCity. The Commanding General, Philippine Air Force, LTGEN GALILEO GERARD R KINTANARAFP presented the award and was assisted byCommander, Air Mobility Command, MGEN NICOLAS C PARILLA AFP.
Being the 205TH Tactical Helicopter Wing’s “fightingest” squadron, the 206THS is not new to these tactical unit awards. Prior to this year’s award, the 206THS was also recognized as the Squadron of the Year for the Flying Category CY-2017 during the 205THW’s commemoration of its 65TH Founding Anniversary. Likewise, the squadron is also a recipient of the Philippine Air Force Flight SafetyTrophy for the CY-2018 awarded last 02 July 2018 during the simultaneous flag raising ceremony ICOW 71ST Philippine Air Force Anniversary at CJVAB, Pasay City in addition to its previous PAF Flight Safety Trophy for CY-2017.

These achievements reflect on the 206THS personnel’s effort and dedication in the performance of their duties. With the support of higher headquarters, the 206THS continues to provide sustained day and night tactical heli-lift operations in its Mindanao AOR to support the accomplishment of the PAF mission.