Squadron Features:
210th Tactical Training Squadron conducting its Annual HEED Training
The 210th Tactical Training Squadron conducts the annual Helicopter Emergency Egress Device (HEED) Training among the 205THW personnel at Central Command Swimming pool, Camp Lapu-lapu, Cebu City.

This training serves as a refresher course among 205THW personnel to equip them on the prompt use of HEED during emergency situations. Trainees are placed on mock-up and a ditching is simulated. The trainee is then submerged underwater and they are to use the HEED to breathe underwater and swim away from the mock-up and then to the surface.
Trainees are mandated to wear flight suits and tactical boots during the training in order for the simulation to be realistic as much as possible. Studentsare briefed by the qualified instructors of 210TTS to ensure the safe conduct of the training.