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Squadron Features:

The Wing hosted its 1st 

   Parenting Workshop

                   The Wing hosted the 1st Parenting Workshop spearheaded by the Chairman, GAD Committee, the Deputy Wing Commander, 205THW, COL RAOUL ROMMEL DC HONASAN PAF(GSC) last 10 February 2018. Prior to the event, the Chairman and board members conducted a series of GAD Meetings and conferences to plan the projected activity including the coordination of the availability of the resource speakers. Finally, coordination was made and scheduled the said activity on the 10th day of February which was participated by married couples and their immediate sons and daughters ages 10-19 years old.

                     On or about 10 0730H February 2018, registration among personnel were initiated and properly accounted.  Through   the   combined  efforts  of  GAD  members  and personnel, appropriate needs among participants were addressed and provided.


                    The   program   was   formally   opened   and   welcomed   by   the   Deputy   Wing Commander, 205THW. During his  speech, he   shared   his   lifestory   when  he  experienced hopelessness in life.  In  his prayer  he  once said, “Lord deprive  me  of  everything  sa  buhay, just don’t deprive me of being a parent.”  He also added the strong principle of LTGEN MISON when he shared that Life is a continuous juggling of five balls such as (1) Work, (2) Relationship with God, (3) Family, (4) Friends, and (5) Peers. He  relates  the  last three balls  as crystal  balls wherein if these balls were broken you cannot afford to repair it and be of the same figure.  As he concludes his speech, he shared a wisdom to married couples that is to allow their children to do things for themselves, let them be a better person.


                    The  workshop  started  with an  Animal  Test as  part  of the  lecture in  Getting-to-Know-You.  Participants  had  the  chance  to  share  animals  they like and  what personality it represents.  The Chairman  himself joined the  said opening  activity and chose the  dog  since according to him, it is friendly and loyal as well as the protector of our respective houses.


                    During  the  activity, the  lecturers  from  POPCOM  gave  information  about  the programs/services they offered and shared the current  status of the Philippines  particularly in Cebu regarding the Young Adult Fertility Study.  Study shows that the teenage pregnancy rate is very high in Cebu.  Lack of sex  education among parents and  teenagers is the  main reason of unwanted pregnancy  for adolescents.  Also,  it is alarming to note  that there is an increase rating of females who watch X-rated movies. They also emphasized that in the new administration, there is a need to recognize the  relevance  of  population  interventions with regards to the platform of  national  development.  They are showing a strong political will to fully  implement  the  Responsible  Parenthood  and  Reproductive  Health  (RPRH)  Law  and execute  the  issued  Executive  Order  No.  12 which is to  urgently  attain  zero unmet  need for modern family planning as one of the legacies of the Philippine Health Agenda.


                     A   breakout   session   was   done   wherein   the   couples  and   their   children

were separated into two (2) groups.For the Children, a series of activities were given in order to determine the dominance of the child’s brain, whether the child is left brained or right brained. The House-Tree-Person Test was also conducted wherein the children were tasked to draw a house, a tree and a person to determine the child’s personality. A series of short films relating to child issues were also presented by the lecturer. Finally, the children were asked to write letters for their parents.


                 During the couple’s hour, the lecturer talked about forgiveness, wherein it is not considered forgiveness if they are shutting their eyes on the reality, overlooking, looking for justice, forgetting the offense done, and being passive. Instead, forgiveness is the freedom from hatred (forgiveness diminishes the pain of the harm, frees the heart, mind and soul), learning to consider their limits and weaknesses, a superglue of life, an act of will, no justification and most importantly it is a Gift.


           The couples were also given opportunities to remember and reminisce their experiences during their adolescent period as they participated in the activity,Understanding Adolescence, through sharing and justifying the four posted pictures they can relate to. The titles of the pictures are as follows: (1) going a long, dark tunnel, (2) walking on a hanging bamboo bridge, (3) riding a roller coaster and (4) climbing a mountain. They were also given the activity on identifying parts of the body and give emphasis on the sensitive parts of male and female body.


                  The activity was concluded with the reading of cards and messages of parents and their children as well as giving of roses of husbands to their wives. They were able to express their love and were also very grateful that they had asked for forgiveness and made quality time for each other. They were asked to carry parents’ responsibility to handle their children and explain to them how crucial the adolescent period is and tell them that it must be a healthy transition from childhood to adulthood.


          With the success, positive response and request from our participants, DP recommends the conduct of another batch of this GAD Workshop to our personnel, not only married couples, but would be open also to all personnel.

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