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210TTS Activities

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210th Tactical Training Squadron conducts                  a Markmanship Training

            As part of its core competencies, 205THW personnel are also trained with the use of firearms. Marksmanship Training was conducted among 205THW personnel at Central Command Firing Range, Camp Lapu-lapu, Cebu City. Part of the training was familiarization of the .45 Cal Pistol, M16 Rifle and M60 Machine gun. The .45 Cal pistol training included 10 targets and with a distance of 15 meters from each target.

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210th Tactical Training Squadron conducts                its Annual HEED Training

                The 210th Tactical Training Squadron conducts the annual Helicopter Emergency Egress Device (HEED) Training among the 205THW personnel at Central Command Swimming pool, Camp Lapu-lapu, Cebu City. This training serves as a refresher course among 205THW personnel to equip them on the prompt use of HEED during emergency situations.

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